• aeafd9d6

VelaSlim shapes your body and lifts your skin

Mothers who have given birth not only have to deal with the internal postpartum recovery, but also face the external distress of postpartum body out-of-shape. No matter how graceful and slim you were in the past, it is difficult to keep your original figure after giving birth.

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In fact, there are about 250 to 300 fat cells in human cells, which are widely distributed in subcutaneous and visceral tissues. The obesity of human body is actually caused by too many fat cells or excessive swelling. Driving away fat is the key to losing weight.

Scope of application
Abdomen, side waist, back, arms, thighs, calves, shoulders, neck

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After lipolysis: 85% of fat cells are decomposed and excreted through the lymphatic system, and 15% of fat will be converted into sugar through the liver for daily activities.
1. Replace and surpass surgical liposuction
2. Tighten loose skin, increase the body's metabolic rate, and accelerate the discharge of waste and moisture from the body
3. Relax muscles and relieve muscle spasms
4. Whole body weight loss, fast elimination of fat; partial weight loss, waist and abdomen shaping, hip shape, leg shape
5. Effectively improve the orange peel skin on the buttocks and thighs, and also solve the problems of postpartum and abdominal relaxation after liposuction

Working principle
① Using IR near-infrared laser to adjust the impedance in the body, by increasing the temperature of the epidermis to reduce the impedance of the epidermis to the radio frequency energy, and guide the RF (radio frequency) energy to concentrate and penetrate deep into the connective tissue.
② At the same time, the mechanical movement caused by negative pressure can make the penetration depth of radio frequency reach 5-15mm, and use the roller rotation to clamp and stretch to different cortical connective fibers, effectively decompose subcutaneous fat and squeezed capillaries and lymphatic vessels , to promote human metabolism, greatly improve the shaping effect.
③ Using the technology of folding the skin with negative pressure, the radio frequency energy can directly penetrate the two layers of skin folded together, which greatly improves the effect and safety.
④ The strong vibration emitted by the 40kHz low-frequency ultrasonic wave brings strong vibration to the fat cells, effectively dealing with the "cavitation effect" formed by the stubborn and thick hard cellulite inside and outside the fat cells. Uneven pressure natural blasting.

Post time: Aug-29-2022