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Why do I have spots?

Before answering this question, let's take a look at why our skin has color.

Our skin layers are the epidermis layer, the dermis layer and the subcutaneous tissue in order. The melanocytes that make our skin color are located in the basal layer. Melanocytes secrete melanin under the stimulation of external factors. Excessive sunlight will produce too much melanin. Or the metabolism of keratinocytes in the skin makes it difficult to metabolize melanin, which will make the skin dull and even have spots.

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pigment removal

The reasons for this problem can be divided into two categories: congenital causes and acquired causes. Congenital factors are generally congenital skin color and genetic factors, such as freckles, birthmarks, and Ota moles. Acquired factors include hormone levels, ultraviolet rays, and improper use of cosmetics.


So what should we use to treat our spots?

First of all, we have to analyze what spots are on our face and the depth of the spots in the skin tissue. It can be divided into the following three categories:

Epidermal pigment spots: freckles, sunburns, and some pigmentation behind the eyes.

Dermal pigment spots: Ota nevus, part of melanin nevus.

Mixed pigment spots: chloasma

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Different levels and shades, different types of spots require different treatment plans and equipment used, and sometimes compound treatments are needed to solve different levels and types of spots.


The treatment methods can be divided into four types:

1. Injection: According to each person's different spots, local injections or whitening needles may be used to accelerate the metabolism of melanin.

2. ND YAG Laser: This is the core of treatment, using laser energy to directly combat melanin.

3. Oral administration: In order to combat melanin and accelerate metabolism, oral multivitamins and other drugs are used to block the formation of melanin.

4. External applicator: This requires different prescriptions to be formulated according to each person's different stain conditions and response during treatment.


Laser Pigment Removal is the most effective way, why not have a try?


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Post time: Jan-13-2022