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Why do my arms lose weight, and my belly still has so much fat?

Why do my arms lose weight, and my belly still has so much fat?

I'm so thin that my breasts are gone, why my thighs are still so much adipose?

Let us know about fat cells.

Composition of fat cells

The fat cells of the human body can be divided into two categories: white and brown. The tissue composed of white fat cells is the fat in our daily cognition, which is the part to be subtracted from fat loss.

Like other cells in the body, fat cells also have a cell membrane and nucleus. The difference is that 90% or more of their volume is occupied by fat globules (mainly triglycerides). If you squeeze out the fat globules in human fat cells, you will find that it is completely the same as any other edible oil, such as olive oil.

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The main function of white fat cells is to store energy in the body in the form of triglycerides, and to break down triglycerides to release energy when the body needs it. Each kilogram of adipose tissue can release about 7700 calories. This is why we usually say that when we lose fat, we can lose about 1 kilogram of body fat when we stably create a calorie gap of 7700 calories.

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There are about 30 billion white fat cells in the body of a normal adult. These fat cells account for about 15%-25% of body weight (also known as body fat percentage). The distribution of specific adipose tissue is mainly affected by genes and hormones. For example, under the influence of testosterone, men are more likely to store fat in the internal organs (apple-shaped body), while women are affected by estrogen and progesterone, fat cells More concentrated on the lower abdomen and lower body, which is what we often call the pear-shaped body.

The other type of brown fat cells has a much smaller number. Unlike white fat cells, which are 90% fat globules and very small mitochondria, the mitochondria of brown fat cells are very full with many small fat globules scattered around.

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Compared with the function of white adipose tissue to store heat, the main function of brown adipose tissue is to decompose fat to generate heat, thereby ensuring that the body can maintain a stable body temperature in a cold environment. Therefore, although brown fat cells are mainly scattered in white adipose tissue, some women and people living in cold regions will contain more brown fat cells and form tissues.

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Number of fat cells

Each adult contains about 30 billion white fat cells, which proliferate in large numbers in childhood and reach a peak after puberty. This number remains stable after entering adulthood. Whether we are fat or thin depends on each. The size of the fat globule contained in a fat cell can be as small as 20 μm, and the largest can be up to 10 times the size, reaching 200 μm.

But when the fat cells are over-saturated for a long time, that is, when too large fat globules are installed, the study found that some fat cells will "divide", which will cause the increase of fat cells.

In other words, the number of fat cells is genetically destined to reach a certain value in adulthood, and if it changes, it can only increase.

Someone may ask, don't fat cells die naturally? At the same day meeting, like all cells, fat cells have a life cycle, except that fat cells that die naturally will be replaced by new fat cells. Adults naturally replace about 8% of fat cells every year.

When studying the fat tissues of fat and thin people, it was found that: 1. Fat people have more fat cells; 2. Fat people have larger fat cells.

Fat cell size and the principle of fat reduction

The number of fat cells in an adult's body is constant, so when we say fat loss, it is not the fat cells themselves that are subtracted, but the volume of the fat globules in the fat cells.

fat reduction

In other words, this is a process of "starving" fat cells, and these "empty" fat cells, just like you who have been extremely dieting for several months, have been in a state of "hungry" and are ready to absorb them at any time. More energy will store them as fat until they are restored to their initial state.

This is what we said before, everyone’s weight actually has its own set point. Once it deviates, the body will use various methods to get it back on track. This is why it is difficult to maintain temporary fat loss results unless you completely change your lifestyle or the number of fat cells (such as treatments like cryolipolysis).

The composition of stubborn fat

There are two types of receptors in each fat cell, alpha-2 and beta-2. Alpha-2 tells the fat cells to store fat well for emergencies, and beta-2 tells the fat cells to break down fat into energy for the body to use. .

So whether to store fat or consume fat depends mainly on which receptor has more content (dominant) in the fat cell. Fat cells with more alpha-2 are stubborn fats that are less likely to be reduced during the fat loss period.


In addition, as mentioned earlier, the fat cells of girls generally exist in the lower abdomen and hips. In fact, this is very understandable because fat has the function of heat preservation and protection of internal organs.

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Common areas of stubborn fat in girls: inner arms, inner and outer thighs, outer hips, lower abdomen and waist, accessory breasts, back, etc.

Many girls’ limbs are thin and have become numb, but the lower abdomen is always bulging, because the body needs to put more fat in the lower abdomen to protect the uterus.

So now you know the reason why a girl who looks skinny but still has a bulging abdomen

Next time Kaka will introduce the cryolipolysis machine for you.

Post time: Jan-13-2022