• aeafd9d6

The dangers of liposuction

The content of the popular science I will describe objectively is only to talk about the complications that may occur when encountering doctors with poor skills. Individual pictures may be a bit extreme, and not every liposuction will happen.

Just like double eyelid cutting, some people may have scars or fleshy feeling. This is also a possible complication of double eyelid, but can you say that every double eyelid cut will appear? The same goes for liposuction.

Of course, it is gratifying to be able to lose weight successfully through exercise, but in real life, there are still a type of people.
They may be out of shape due to work or family reasons, but they don't have enough time to exercise to change themselves.
Maybe I exercise all the year round, but my natural pear-shaped body can't get rid of it, and my confidence is also shattered.
At this time, liposuction has become their only hope.
Others talked a little about the advantages of liposuction, and immediately ran into the hospital for surgery.
Don't ask me why I know, because there are more weight loss and shaping consultations than you might think.

Liposuction is definitely not as easy as you think.
To be honest, many people I have contacted for consultation have a naive idea, that liposuction surgery only requires anesthesia, and the doctor sucks and wakes up to be beautiful alone.

Completely did not consider the possible complications of liposuction and the body's ability to bear it.
It is not a life-saving straw for people who lose weight, it can quickly realize the dream of losing weight overnight.
Liposuction only exists for people with partial obesity, such as thighs, waist, arms or face.

Liposuction is definitely not as easy as you think.
To be honest, many people I have contacted for consultation have a naive idea, that liposuction surgery only requires anesthesia, and the doctor sucks and wakes up to be beautiful alone.

Completely did not consider the possible complications of liposuction and the body's ability to bear it.
It is not a life-saving straw for people who lose weight, it can quickly realize the dream of losing weight overnight.
Liposuction only exists for people with partial obesity, such as thighs, waist, arms or face.

Seriously talk about the possible risks of surgery.
Common local complications:
1. Bleeding and hematoma
This can be said to be inevitable after the operation, but don't think it's all blood, usually mixed with some swelling fluid injected before the operation, otherwise normal people would have seen the Tathagata with so much blood.

2. Infection
There are several reasons for this. First, the operating environment of the hospital is not up to standard and the standard of aseptic operation is not met. The second is the infection caused by the doctor's operation error, and the third is that the patient himself did not follow the doctor's instructions in the early stage, causing the wound to become inflamed and causing the infection.

3. Asymmetry and unevenness
Liposuction surgery is not automatic liposuction by the doctor inserting the instrument, but requires the doctor to manually and repeatedly suction the whole process. Therefore, if the doctor is inexperienced or the technique is inaccurate, the amount of extraction from each part is different, which will lead to uneven skin.

Generally speaking, there will be some unevenness after liposuction surgery, so the hospital will strictly require patients to wear elastic clothing to shape after surgery.

In order to take the interns, some doctors even smoke half themselves and let the interns smoke the other half. In addition to the unevenness, it may even cause the legs to be different in size.

As far as I know, this kind of situation mostly happens in hospitals where liposuction prices are very cheap, attracting door-to-door customers to practice their hands.

3. Skin numbness
There are many peripheral blood vessels and nerves in the fat. If the surgeon destroys your peripheral nerves during liposuction, numbness may occur at the surgical site, but don’t worry too much, this will recover, but it will take a long time.

4. Loose skin
This is easy to understand. Just like a mother's belly after childbirth, it is wrinkled at first. Younger women have better skin elasticity, and loose skin can return to its original state.

However, it is difficult for people with small skin elasticity or a large amount of liposuction to recover by themselves.
In addition to the shapewear that you must wear after surgery, you may need an additional facelift to get flat.

5. Skin necrosis
Although the wound at the liposuction site is small, if the doctor performs excessive or rough suction, the skin will be ischemia, resulting in local superficial skin necrosis.

It is not possible to blindly pursue the effect of absorbing superficial fat, which is easy to damage blood vessels. Large-scale necrosis can only be repaired by skin grafting in the later stage, and a large number of scars cannot be avoided.
Let me explain one point first. The picture above is quite extreme. First of all, she had the surgery in the studio. After the surgery, she was infected after the surgery. It was not treated in time to have such severe necrosis.

It is impossible for a regular plastic surgery hospital to become like this.

It should be like this in normal. (I hope the picture above didn't mislead you)

7. Fat embolism
The most serious and dangerous complication. Most of them are caused by improper operation of doctors. Blood vessels rupture, causing fat to enter the blood vessels. If the rescue is not timely, it may lead to blindness or fatal risks!
But in a regular plastic surgery hospital, the probability of such a situation is small.

In general, I still want to remind everyone not to ignore the risks of surgery, and don't follow the trend after seeing other people's postoperative results.

Post time: Sep-05-2022